I started and almost finished washing, something is still missing but they are almost in the finishing straight, I just hope it's a good job.
Questa sarebbe la mia idea a modello finito , mi auguro sempre che i figurini vadano bene come uniformi, ma si sà che qualche volta i soldati mettevano quello che avevano a portata di mano. I figurini sono della Hornet & Wolf e della Tank ( quello seduto ).
This would be my idea to the finished model, I always hope that the figures are okay as uniforms, but we know that sometimes the soldiers put what they had at hand.The figures are of the Hornet & Wolf and Tank (one sitting)
Very nice model and the winter cammo is very well done. It's not so easy to paint a realistic one. It's nicely weathered so I LIKE your model.
RispondiEliminaDo you plan to add figures ?
Hi Alain,
Eliminathank you for the comment so positive, very kind of you. I added a photo will have seen the figures that I would put near the tank.
Thanks ,
Nice figures ! It will be a wonderful project. I guess to see the following stages.
EliminaHappy moddeling Loris !
As soon as I finish the stug, I begin to paint the figures and post the various stages of painting.Thanks Alain and I'm glad that you had joined my blog.
Ottimo lavoro Loris.
RispondiEliminaCiao Luigi
Grazie Luigi ,
Eliminamolto gentile vedo che anche il lavoro che tu stai facendo è molto bello anzi....
Un saluto
Sempre meglio Loris!
Grazie Fabrizio , faccio quello che posso perche è un metodo di pittura un pò difficile per me e sai la mano non è più quella di una volta...comunque bisogna sempre andare avanti e mai fermarsi.
Only one word: WOW!
RispondiEliminagreat work and very original painting, i don't remember to see this in other blog
Ciao Jean-Charles,
EliminaI thank you for the beautiful and constructive comment, now post photos dellla Stug finished.
But I must begin the painting of the figures .... very daunting task.